And Edith Too!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Day 14: In Which I Decide to Dine Out TWICE

I find dining out's not worth it when you are avoiding all the ingredients that chefs put into food to make it delicious.

That said, I enjoyed breakfast at Be'wiched today and dinner at Tilia and both establishments were accommodating of my crazy requests. It would have been much less expensive to eat at home. But. Then I would have had to cook for myself, and I wanted a break from that. Especially after making fourteen exceedingly delightful students a nice-looking and nice-smelling brunch this afternoon and not partaking in it myself.

Here's how it went today.

Breakfast at 7:30 am: 2 eggs, a slice of prosciutto, kale, ghee, sauerkraut


Brunchy Lunch at 11:30 am: pastrami hash with 2 eggs, iced americano. This was good and veggie-packed. Ordering was stressful though.


Snack at 4:30 pm: half an apple, spoonful of almond butter

Dinner part 1 at 5:30 pm: Salmon, arugula, brussels sprouts. I'm not even going to tell you how much I paid for it.


Dinner part 2 at 7:30 pm: A purple yam (!) with coconut oil (The purple inside was a surprise. I thought it was a jewel one, which has purple skin and yellow flesh. They all taste about the same to me.)


Tomorrow I'm half way done! Time for a celebratory mocktail! xoxo


  1. For a nice meal on-the-go, I sauteed some plantains (sliced length wise, cut in inches), added chicken scraps from bone both, scallions and spinach. Topped off with pepitas, and quick meal complete. Wish I coulda added black beans to make it more authentic Guatemalan.
